Heal Yourself + Move
Our training offers a way to dramatically improve your ability to safely enhance your alignment, flexibility, strength, physical skill and perhaps most importantly, your sheer enjoyment of movement – all while gaining the body awareness to stay safe and healthy in daily life and training.
Heal Yourself + Move utilises an array of relaxation, suspension and compression exercises to simultaneously release muscular tension and allow the nervous system to create more functional neural pathways for improved technique and dynamic action.
When the body relaxes tension it begins to naturally increase the speed and strength of blood flow. This process is vital for cellular nutrition, muscle and fascial reconditioning and the reinstating of normal neural impulses to establish muscle tone.
By allowing floating decompression at the joints, Heal Yourself and Move allows the body to access core muscles automatically, whilst increasing balance and proprioception.
This in turn allows for every part of the body to relax and connect via its fascial network and is the essence of a connected, coordinated, powerful and graceful ‘‘great’’ mover.
If Heal Yourself and Move is something you would like know more about, check out the example video below!