Dear Développé, please send me…



Do you remember when you were a kid writing letters to Santa, almost believing that you’d get a reply, hoping for that present (and maybe getting it!)…

But then bit by bit realising Santa wasn’t real​…

Disappointing of course but then you move on to ‘real life’, sort of.

Well, it can be a bit like that with your développés and other technique ‘must haves.’

We write hopeful, pleading messages to them in every class​, wishing upon that magical improvement star but for most of us,

​​or perhaps for most of your students that you are teaching…

No reply comes back other than the effort and blockage that you started with, or a silent:

‘Not Happening. Ever.’

Disappointing yes​… but then we move onto the ‘real life’ of where your ‘apparent’ talent level is at…

This levelling seems to happen for all but the chosen few (with the body, the mindset, the facility etc) who get a free pass straight to dance ability heaven​…

That’s the way it always been, yeah?

But what if your letter could be read, your wish of improvement granted, what if  ‘Santa’ was real…

You were just sending your letters to the wrong address? (Stay with me ​​​​​​here!)

By the wrong address I mean the wrong signals to your body…

That’s why you keep getting ‘return to sender.’

And not improving (or getting your students improving) like you want …

But when you send the right signals…

Then it gets delivered at the right time for the body to actually read it,

Understand it… 

And for your développé, your jumps, your turnout, your feet, your alignment or your balance to change  for the better, then and there…

How long does it take you (or Santa!) to read a note?  Not as long as you’d spend doing exercises to hopefully improve technique I’ll bet!

And after reading it you don’t need to read it every day for 10 minutes, or 20 minutes or 60 minutes per day for three weeks to understand the information in the note better do you? 

In fact your less likely to understand it! 


Because you’ll be bored out of your brain, and resistant to reading the same thing over and over again!

Your body and your students bodies are exactly the same…

So, to learn how to make your body and your teaching a speed reading machine…

And to get your students believing (but not necessarily in Santa again!), that every class you teach is a gift to help open their potential because their bodies can instantly read and apply your every correction…

Click below to join the Prime Movers Teacher Accreditation Course starting this Monday with a reading from The Book of Turnout Improvement:

Zac ‘Santa Lives’ Jones

P.S. When you go to the above link and scroll to the bottom you’ll also see:

a) Where you can get a FREE breakthrough safe flexibility Zoom call and

b) How to get a FREE pair of MDM ballet shoes

Just sayin…

P.P.S (How good is this amazing pic of Sylvie Guillem?)


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